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About IBM Spectrum LSF

1 Submit a job

You submit a job from an LSF client or server with the bsub command.

If you do not specify a queue when submitting the job, the job is submitted to the default queue.

Jobs are held in a queue waiting to be scheduled and have the PEND state. The job is held in a job file in the LSF_SHAREDIR/cluster_name/logdir/info/ directory.

Job ID

LSF assigns each job a unique job ID when you submit the job.

Job name

You can also assign a name to the job with the -J option of bsub. Unlike the job ID, the job name is not necessarily unique.

2 Schedule job

  1. mbatchd looks at jobs in the queue and sends the jobs for scheduling to mbschd at a preset time interval (defined by the parameter JOB_SCHEDULING_INTERVAL in lsb.params).

  2. mbschd evaluates jobs and makes scheduling decisions based on the following:

    • Job priority

    • Scheduling policies

    • Available resources

  3. mbschd selects the best hosts where the job can run and sends its decisions back to mbatchd.

Resource information is collected at preset time intervals by the master LIM from LIMs on server hosts. The master LIM communicates this information to mbatchd, which in turn communicates it to mbschd to support scheduling decisions.

3 Dispatch job

As soon as mbatchd receives scheduling decisions, it immediately dispatches the jobs to hosts.

4 Run job

sbatchd handles job execution. It does the following:

  1. Receives the request from mbatchd

  2. Creates a child sbatchd for the job

  3. Creates the execution environment

  4. Starts the job using res

The execution environment is copied from the submission host to the execution host and includes the following:

  • Environment variables that are needed by the job

  • Working directory where the job begins running

  • Other system-dependent environment settings; for example:

    • On UNIX and Linux, resource limits and umask

    • On Windows, desktop and Windows root directory

      The job runs under the user account that submitted the job and has the status RUN.

5 Return output

When a job is completed, it is assigned the DONE status if the job was completed without any problems. The job is assigned the EXIT status if errors prevented the job from completing.

sbatchd communicates job information including errors and output to mbatchd.

6 Send email to client

mbatchd returns the job output, job error, and job information to the submission host through email. Use the -o and -e options of bsub to send job output and errors to a file.

Job report

A job report is sent by email to the LSF client and includes the following information:

  • Job information such as the following:

    • CPU use

    • Memory use

    • Name of the account that submitted the job

  • Job output

  • Errors
