LSF 守护程序
LSF daemon
Job requests and dispatch
Job scheduling
Job execution
Parent topic:
Master Batch Daemon running on the master host.
Started by sbatchd.
Responsible for the overall state of jobs in the system.
Receives job submission, and information query requests.
Manages jobs that are held in queues. Dispatches jobs to hosts as determined by mbschd.
Port number is defined in lsf.conf.
Master Batch Scheduler Daemon running on the master host.
Works with mbatchd.
Started by mbatchd.
Makes scheduling decisions based on job requirements, and policies, and resource availability. Sends scheduling decisions to mbatchd.
Slave Batch Daemon running on each server host.
Receives the request to run the job from mbatchd and manages local execution of the job.
Responsible for enforcing local policies and maintaining the state of jobs on the host.
The sbatchd forks a child sbatchd for every job. The child sbatchd runs an instance of res to create the execution environment in which the job runs. The child sbatchd exits when the job is complete.
badmin hstartup — Starts sbatchd
badmin hshutdown — Shuts down sbatchd
badmin hrestart — Restarts sbatchd
Port number is defined in lsf.conf
Remote Execution Server (res) running on each server host.
Accepts remote execution requests to provide transparent and secure remote execution of jobs and tasks.
lsadmin resstartup — Starts res
lsadmin resshutdown — Shuts down res
lsadmin resrestart — Restarts res
Port number is defined in lsf.conf.
Load Information Manager (LIM) running on each server host.
Collects host load and configuration information and forwards it to the master LIM running on the master host.
Reports the information that is displayed by lsload and lshosts.
Static indices are reported when the LIM starts up or when the number of CPUs (ncpus) change. Static indices are:
Number of CPUs (ncpus)
Number of disks (ndisks)
Total available memory (maxmem)
Total available swap (maxswp)
Total available temp (maxtmp)
Dynamic indices for host load collected at regular intervals are:
Hosts status (status)
15 second, 1 minute, and 15 minute run queue lengths (r15s, r1m, and r15m)
CPU utilization (ut)
Paging rate (pg)
Number of login sessions (ls)
Interactive idle time (it)
Available swap space (swp)
Available memory (mem)
Available temp space (tmp)
Disk IO rate (io)
lsadmin limstartup — Starts LIM
lsadmin limshutdown — Shuts down LIM
lsadmin limrestart — Restarts LIM
lsload — View dynamic load values
lshosts — View static host load values
Port number is defined in lsf.conf.
Master LIM
The LIM running on the master host. Receives load information from the LIMs running on hosts in the cluster.
Forwards load information to mbatchd, which forwards this information to mbschd to support scheduling decisions. If the master LIM becomes unavailable, a LIM on another host automatically takes over.
lsadmin limstartup — Starts LIM
lsadmin limshutdown — Shuts down LIM
lsadmin limrestart — Restarts LIM
lsload — View dynamic load values
lshosts — View static host load values
Port number is defined in lsf.conf.
External LIM (ELIM) is a site-definable executable that collects and tracks custom dynamic load indices. An ELIM can be a shell script or a compiled binary program, which returns the values of the dynamic resources you define. The ELIM executable must be named elim and located in LSF_SERVERDIR.
Process Information Manager (PIM) running on each server host.
Started by LIM, which periodically checks on pim and restarts it if it dies.
Collects information about job processes running on the host such as CPU and memory that is used by the job, and reports the information to sbatchd.
bjobs — View job information