LSF 错误信息
以下错误消息由 LSF 守护程序记录,或由 lsadmin ckconfig 和 badmin ckconfig 命令显示。
The following messages can be generated by any LSF daemon:
can’t open file: error
The daemon might not open the named file for the reason that is given by error. This error is usually caused by incorrect file permissions or missing files. All directories in the path to the configuration files must have execute (x) permission for the LSF administrator, and the actual files must have read (r) permission.
Missing files might be caused by the following errors:
Incorrect path names in the lsf.conf file
Running LSF daemons on a host where the configuration files are not installed
Having a symbolic link that points to a file or directory that does not exist
file(line): malloc failed
Memory allocation failed. Either the host does not have enough available memory or swap space, or there is an internal error in the daemon. Check the program load and available swap space on the host. If the swap space is full, you must add more swap space or run fewer (or smaller) programs on that host.
auth_user: getservbyname(ident/tcp) failed: error; ident must be registered in services
The LSF_AUTH=ident parameter is defined in the lsf.conf file, but the ident/tcp service is not defined in the services database. Add ident/tcp to the services database, or remove the LSF_AUTH=ident parameter from the lsf.conf file and use the setuid root command on the LSF files that require authentication.
auth_user: operation(/) failed: error
The LSF_AUTH=ident parameter is defined in the lsf.conf file, but the LSF daemon failed to contact the identd daemon on the host. Check that identd is defined in inetd.conf and the identd daemon is running on host.
auth_user: Authentication data format error (rbuf=) from /
auth_user: Authentication port mismatch (...) from /
The LSF_AUTH=ident parameter is defined in the lsf.conf file, but there is a protocol error between LSF and the ident daemon on host. Make sure that the identd daemon on the host is configured correctly.
userok: Request from bad port (), denied
The LSF_AUTH=ident parameter is not defined, and the LSF daemon received a request that originates from a non-privileged port. The request is not serviced.
Set the LSF binary files to be owned by root with the setuid bit set, or define the LSF_AUTH=ident parameter and set up an ident server on all hosts in the cluster. If the files are on an NFS-mounted file system, make sure that the file system is not mounted with the nosuid flag.
userok: Forged username suspected from /: /
The service request claimed to come from user claimed_user but ident authentication returned that the user was actual_user. The request was not serviced.
userok: ruserok(,) failed
The LSF_USE_HOSTEQUIV parameter is defined in the lsf.conf file, but host is not set up as an equivalent host in /etc/host.equiv, and user uid is not set up in a .rhosts file.
init_AcceptSock: RES service(res) not registered, exiting
init_AcceptSock: res/tcp: unknown service, exiting
initSock: LIM service not registered.
initSock: Service lim/udp is unknown. Read LSF Guide for help
get_ports: service not registered
The LSF services are not registered.
init_AcceptSock: Can’t bind daemon socket to port : error, exiting
init_ServSock: Could not bind socket to port : error
These error messages can occur if you try to start a second LSF daemon (for example, RES is already running, and you run RES again). If so, and you want to start the new daemon, kill the running daemon or use the lsadmin or badmin commands to shut down or restart the daemon.
The following messages are caused by problems in the LSF configuration files. General errors are listed first, and then errors from specific files.
file(line): Section name expected after Begin; ignoring section
file(line): Invalid section name name; ignoring section
The keyword Begin at the specified line is not followed by a section name, or is followed by an unrecognized section name.
file(line): section section: Premature EOF
The end of file was reached before reading the End section line for the named section.
file(line): keyword line format error for section section; Ignore this section
The first line of the section must contain a list of keywords. This error is logged when the keyword line is incorrect or contains an unrecognized keyword.
file(line): values do not match keys for section section; Ignoring line
The number of fields on a line in a configuration section does not match the number of keywords. This error can be caused by not putting () in a column to represent the default value.
file: HostModel section missing or invalid
file: Resource section missing or invalid
file: HostType section missing or invalid
The HostModel, Resource, or HostType section in the lsf.shared file is either missing or contains an unrecoverable error.
file(line): Name name reserved or previously defined. Ignoring index
The name that is assigned to an external load index must not be the same as any built-in or previously defined resource or load index.
file(line): Duplicate clustername name in section cluster. Ignoring current line
A cluster name is defined twice in the same lsf.shared file. The second definition is ignored.
file(line): Bad cpuFactor for host model model. Ignoring line
The CPU factor declared for the named host model in the lsf.shared file is not a valid number.
file(line): Too many host models, ignoring model name
You can declare a maximum of 127 host models in the lsf.shared file.
file(line): Resource name name too long in section resource. Should be less than 40 characters. Ignoring line
The maximum length of a resource name is 39 characters. Choose a shorter name for the resource.
file(line): Resource name name reserved or previously defined. Ignoring line.
You attempted to define a resource name that is reserved by LSF or already defined in the lsf.shared file. Choose another name for the resource.
file(line): illegal character in resource name: name, section resource. Line ignored.
Resource names must begin with a letter in the set [a-zA-Z], followed by letters, digits, or underscores [a-zA-Z0-9_].
LIM 信息
The following messages are logged by the LIM:
findHostbyAddr/: Host / is unknown by
function: Gethostbyaddr_(/) failed: error
main: Request from unknown host /: error
function: Received request from non-LSF host /
The daemon does not recognize host. The request is not serviced. These messages can occur if host was added to the configuration files, but not all the daemons were reconfigured to read the new information. If the problem still occurs after reconfiguring all the daemons, check whether the host is a multi-addressed host.
rcvLoadVector: Sender (/) may have different config?
MasterRegister: Sender (host) may have different config?
LIM detected inconsistent configuration information with the sending LIM. Run the following command so that all the LIMs have the same configuration information.
Note any hosts that failed to be contacted.
rcvLoadVector: Got load from client-only host /. Kill LIM on /
A LIM is running on a client host. Run the following command, or go to the client host and kill the LIM daemon.
saveIndx: Unknown index name from ELIM
LIM received an external load index name that is not defined in the lsf.shared file. If name is defined in lsf.shared, reconfigure the LIM. Otherwise, add name to the lsf.shared file and reconfigure all the LIMs.
saveIndx: ELIM over-riding value of index
This warning message is logged when the ELIM sent a value for one of the built-in index names. LIM uses the value from ELIM in place of the value that is obtained from the kernel.
getusr: Protocol error numIndx not read (cc=num): error
getusr: Protocol error on index number (cc=num): error
Protocol error between ELIM and LIM.
RES 信息
The following messages are logged by the RES:
doacceptconn: getpwnam(<username>@/) failed: error
doacceptconn: User has uid on client host /, uid on RES host; assume bad user
authRequest: username/uid /<uid>@/ does not exist
authRequest: Submitter’s name <clname>@ is different from name on this host
RES assumes that a user has the same user ID and user name on all the LSF hosts. These messages occur if this assumption is violated. If the user is allowed to use LSF for interactive remote execution, make sure the user’s account has the same user ID and user name on all LSF hosts.
doacceptconn: root remote execution permission denied
authRequest: root job submission rejected
Root tried to run or submit a job but LSF_ROOT_REX is not defined in the lsf.conf file.
resControl: operation permission denied, uid =
The user with user ID uid is not allowed to make RES control requests. Only the LSF administrator can make RES control requests. If the LSF_ROOT_REX parameter is defined in the lsf.conffile, can also make RES control requests.
resControl: access(respath, X_OK): error
The RES received a restart request, but failed to find the file respath to re-execute itself. Make sure respath contains the RES binary, and it has execution permission.
mbatchd 和 sbatchd 信息
The following messages are logged by the mbatchd and sbatchd daemons:
renewJob: Job : rename(,) failed: error
mbatchd failed in trying to resubmit a rerunnable job. Check that the file from exists and that the LSF administrator can rename the file. If from is in an AFS directory, check that the LSF administrator’s token processing is properly setup.
logJobInfo_: fopen(<logdir/info/jobfile>) failed: error
logJobInfo_: write <logdir/info/jobfile> failed: error
logJobInfo_: seek <logdir/info/jobfile> failed: error
logJobInfo_: write <logdir/info/jobfile> xdrpos failed: error
logJobInfo_: write <logdir/info/jobfile> xdr buf len failed: error
logJobInfo_: close(<logdir/info/jobfile>) failed: error
rmLogJobInfo: Job : can’t unlink(<logdir/info/jobfile>): error
rmLogJobInfo_: Job : can’t stat(<logdir/info/jobfile>): error
readLogJobInfo: Job can’t open(<logdir/info/jobfile>): error
start_job: Job : readLogJobInfo failed: error
readLogJobInfo: Job : can’t read(<logdir/info/jobfile>) size size: error
initLog: mkdir(<logdir/info>) failed: error
: fopen(<logdir/file> failed: error
getElogLock: Can’t open existing lock file <logdir/file>: error
getElogLock: Error in opening lock file <logdir/file>: error
releaseElogLock: unlink(<logdir/lockfile>) failed: error
touchElogLock: Failed to open lock file <logdir/file>: error
touchElogLock: close <logdir/file> failed: error
mbatchd failed to create, remove, read, or write the log directory or a file in the log directory, for the reason that is given in error. Check that the LSF administrator has read, write, and execute permissions on the logdir directory.
replay_newjob: File at line : Queue not found, saving to queue
replay_switchjob: File at line : Destination queue not found, switching to queue
When the mbatchd daemon was reconfigured, jobs were found in queue but that queue is no longer in the configuration.
replay_startjob: JobId : exec host not found, saving to host
When the mbatchd daemon was reconfigured, the event log contained jobs that are dispatched to host, but that host is no longer configured to be used by LSF.
do_restartReq: Failed to get hData of host /
mbatchd received a request from sbatchd on host host_name, but that host is not known to mbatchd. Either the configuration file has changed but mbatchd was not reconfigured to pick up the new configuration, or host_name is a client host but the sbatchd daemon is running on that host. Run the following command to reconfigure the mbatchd daemon or kill the sbatchd daemon on host_name.
LSF 命令信息
LSF daemon (LIM) not responding ... still trying
During LIM restart, LSF commands might fail and display this error message. User programs that are linked to the LIM API also fail for the same reason. This message is displayed when LIM running on the master host list or server host list is restarted after configuration changes, such as adding new resources, or binary upgrade.
Use the LSF_LIM_API_NTRIES parameter in the lsf.conf file or as an environment variable to define how many times LSF commands retry to communicate with the LIM API while LIM is not available. The LSF_LIM_API_NTRIES parameter is ignored by LSF and EGO daemons and all EGO commands.
When the LSB_API_VERBOSE=Y parameter is set in the lsf.conf file, LSF batch commands display the not responding retry error message to stderr when LIM is not available.
When the LSB_API_VERBOSE=N parameter is set in the lsf.conf file, LSF batch commands do not display the retry error message when LIM is not available.
Batch 命令客户端信息
LSF displays error messages when a batch command cannot communicate with the mbatchd daemon. The following table provides a list of possible error reasons and the associated error message output.
Point of failure
Possible reason
Error message output
Establishing a connection with the mbatchd daemon
The mbatchd daemon is too busy to accept new connections. The connect() system call times out.
LSF is processing your request. Please wait…
The mbatchd daemon is down or no process is listening at either the LSB_MBD_PORT or the LSB_QUERY_PORT
LSF is down. Please wait…
The mbatchd daemon is down and the LSB_QUERY_PORT is busy
bhosts displays LSF is down. Please wait. . .bjobs displays Cannot connect to LSF. Please wait…
Socket error on the client side
Cannot connect to LSF. Please wait…
connect() system call fails
Cannot connect to LSF. Please wait…
Internal library error
Cannot connect to LSF. Please wait…
Send/receive handshake message to/from the mbatchd daemon
The mbatchd daemon is busy. Client times out when LSF is waiting to receive a message from mbatchd.
LSF is processing your request. Please wait…
Socket read()/write() fails
Cannot connect to LSF. Please wait…
Internal library error
Cannot connect to LSF. Please wait…
EGO 命令信息
You cannot run the egosh command because the administrator has chosen not to enable EGO in lsf.conf: LSF_ENABLE_EGO=N.
If EGO is not enabled, the egosh command cannot find the ego.conf file or cannot contact the vemkd daemon (likely because it is not started).